Power of words is actually very powerful.Did you all realise this?
People always say," It takes money to make money!",this idea it takes money to make money is one of the worst idea there is,especially if a person want more money.Actually,it does not take money to make money.It takes something available to all of us and is alot less experience to obtain than money.In fact in many cases,what it take its free!
Pay attention to the sepcific words RICH and POOR people use.After hear their words, pay attention to the message his words are sending.You will discover that poor people always use the words like ' i will never be rich','i cant afford it','do u think money grow on trees','do u think i'm made of money'.'money is hard to get','i could rather be happy than be rich'
A businessman and investor have their vocabulary.It does not take money to made money,it take WORDS!The difference between a rich person and a poor person is that person's vocabulary.All a person needs to do to become richer is increase his/her financial vocabulary.And the best news is,most words are FREE!
So,if you want to increase your financial success,it begins by increasing the vocabulary in the subject!.It does not take money to made money but it takes a rich person's vocabulary to make money and more importantly keep money!
So by simply listening to others words we can notice people who plan to be poor and people who plan to be rich.
So watch out what you say.It will be very powerful!
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